Dombeya rotundifolia
Water Needs
dry; water wise

Tree small; Shrub large
Wild Pear
4 - 6 m
Light Conditions
white July to September; winter spring
Garden Situation
sun; dry soil; sandy soils; accent tree; wildlife bees butterflies insects butterfly host; shrubbery; windy exposed; narrow spaces;
grassland; rocky places; bushveld; coastal kzn
subtropical east coast; highveld; bushveld savanna
Rain Season
summer; winter
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The beautiful Wild Pear is a common sight in bushveld areas as winter wanes and spring pops her head above the horizon. And it’s a charmer, with a gnarled and craggy stem that bears its load of papery white flowers well before the leaves are ready to show. They carry a gentle fragrance that is best smelled up close. The Wild Pear is a small hardy tree that, in a garden situation, provides a slender, ornamental form; in the wild, it is often more stunted and spreading. The rounded dark green leaves appear once flowering is over, and, as the season's progress, age to yellow before dropping off in autumn. This is a fast growing tree, perfect for small gardens, both wild and formal, with non-invasive roots.